Friday, June 12, 2015

Top Tip - Recipe Cards

Today I'm gonna share with you one of the techniques I use to achieve consistency across a given force (the one shown is the photos is my Space Wolves but that's just as the photo has a perfect demonstration in it).

We all know that painting a reasonable size army is not only a labour of love but also very time consuming meaning a force can often take years to finish (especially with rule changes and changes to force distribution and 'new stuff' to include) that being the case how do you paint something the same way as you did that miniature you painted two years ago?

Most of us are blessed with the ability to just about remember how it was done and with a bit of trial and error can do a reasonable copy of the original. My method removes the trial and error part and allows you to focus on the fun part the actual painting.

I call it the Recipe Card  (wonders if he should try and trademark this as its so simple)............

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Showcase - Female Elven Archer

Today I'm posting up a piece of work I finished a few days ago (and oddly this is not the first place its been shown I displayed firstly on the facebook site 'eavier metal) the figure comes from Avatars Of War and is a lovely sculpt with very few mould lines to clean off. the only real additions to this fine figure is the base and the arrow which I will describe details on, after the pictures.