Friday, October 25, 2013

Unboxing the sisters of Avelorn

Ok here are my first impressions of this kit from Games Workshop for their high elf army. Firstly this kit produces two different troop choices (this seems to be their latest production gem, I would guess to save on tooling swaps in the machine shops) . With all the others kits they have made in this duel unit format this one produces the most divergent options I have ever seen.Now what does this mean to you and me? In one short sentence lots of bits for conversions etc.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The origin of inspiration

Entering Armies on parade 2013 has made me sit down on think about the origin of inspiration, certainly from an artistic/modelling perspective. For this year's entry mine was one of the great number of Space Wolves entries and as far as inspiration always a simple choice for me as many years ago when I last had a 40k army it was space wolves so the history was a well known beast to me. Using this knowledge of the background fluff I selected an iconic location (in this case Fenris the space wolves home planet) for this kind of work I always think it's best to use something instantly recognizable to your target audience,  this in many way will dictate the look your finished work should portray.
The Finished Item

Saturday, October 19, 2013

A New Hope.....

Well here goes nothing. I have over the last few years pondered why anyone ever does these blog's however after recent events I am starting to understand.First of all a little about me, I am late 30 something man, with to many hobbies, not the least of which is my addiction to painting 'toy soldiers' in other words wargaming miniatures. Recently I found myself entering the Games Workshop contest Armies on parade and to my surprise actually won my regional heat and went through to compete at the national finals at gamesday this year (where I was soundly thrashed by some very impressive work). However this event has made me consider recording the thoughts and processes that go into things like that and perhaps share some of my painting successes (and failures).
I intend to record the journey of the many on going miniatures projects that I have on the go and plan on updating this with regular WIP (Work In Progress) photos and blurb. I might even review the odd product or two and reveal some of my tricks of the trade and a few that I have learned from others on the way.
Who know perhaps somebody might even read this, here hoping.......