Friday, October 12, 2018

New Product - Kickstarter - Litchmyre Dungeon

My 6 year old daughter who has been a regular bystander on our weekly Wednesday night RPG gaming sessions turned to me the other day and asked to play herself.
Great I thought my daughter wants to play the kind of games that I enjoy, how awesome!. Then the little alarm bell in the back of my mind went off that for the last 3 years I have been running a horror campaign in which I have nearly traumatised my grown players let alone the developing mind of my very own 6 year old. So plan B was born.

I have dusted off my old copy of Heroquest from back in the days when GW needed to team up with MB to make the mass market and D&D was only in its most famous 'Red Book' second edition.

Of course before I can introduce my daughter to the wonderous world that started a lifelong gaming obsession for me I need to paint the sad looking monochromatic plastic figures contained in this ancient artifact (This may become the subject of a later post watch this space). I was struck by how simple these figures are when compared against the great creations that are coming out of every model studio now. and as if in answer to my thoughts about how cool it would be to see this board game revisited with todays skilled figure artists what should flutter past my screen but a Kickstarter tackling that very topic thus I present to you Zealot Miniatures Litchmyre Dungeon.

This project at the time of writing is at $77,304 funded of a target goal of $13,232 with 4 days to run.

These guys are a hugely experienced team of figure makers producing figures for a vast array of other companies games, from time to time however they produce something for them alone. This is one such product and they have turned 

in to

Looking at this project they have revamped every Heroquest minature and brought it kicking and screaming into the modern world - The greens for this look fantastic and I for one have already backed this and if anyone else has a slightly tired looking Heroquest set then join me in this and bring an old board game back to life with a whole new set of miniatures created just for the purpose

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